Evolution of quarantine-free travel welcomed

28 October 2021

The horticulture and wine grape industries are welcoming the evolution of quarantine-free travel.

‘It’s great news that the success of the quarantine-free travel trial for Recognised Seasonal Employer (RSE) scheme workers from the Pacific has resulted in the border being opened up for more industries as well as for New Zealanders returning home,’ says Horticulture New Zealand Chief Executive, Nadine Tunley. 

‘The trial started in October.  RSE workers from Vanuatu, Samoa and Tonga coming to work in the horticulture and wine grape industries were able to enter New Zealand without the need to spend time in Managed Isolation and Quarantine (MIQ), providing other requirements were met.’    

Nadine says the safety of both Pacific and New Zealand workers remains a paramount objective, despite the change. 

‘The horticulture and wine grape industries will continue to follow best practice to keep everybody safe. 

‘At the same time, we’d like to thank the Government, Immigration New Zealand and the Ministry of Health for their support and working with us to ensure the trial was a success.’    

The horticulture and wine grape industries are committed to the repatriation of the RSE workers who have been in New Zealand longer than usual.  With two-way travel becoming more of a reality, this is starting to happen. 

Photo credit: Clare Toia-Bailey