Look after yourself

20 July 2022

Covid is sweeping through again and we are also seeing various strains of the flu taking hold in some places. I have had Covid, which for me, had no real effect. But now I have caught some kind of virus, as have a number of HortNZ staff, over the past few weeks. I and some of the team had got to the stage where we were too unwell to function. However, despite the warning signs, many of us soldiered on to the point where we have no option but to take some time out.

I bet this scenario sounds familiar to a lot of you. You keep on going to the point where you can no longer function or to where someone intervenes and takes the keys to the tractor or office away.

This week’s column is a plea to heed the signs and take time out early rather than later, particularly as early intervention will probably reduce the amount of time you need ‘off’.

We are in the depths of conference and AGM season, so please be vigilant. It is a good time to remember that we have been locked up to varying degrees over the last two winters. As a result, our immunity is sluggish and with the cold and flu season upon us, that is having an impact. So, best get back to basics, wear a mask, stay home if you are unwell, wash hands and practise good hygiene.

Importance of community

If Covid taught us something, it was that our communities are strong, even if we do not know that until we need the support. So not only is this column a plea to look after yourself, it is also an encouragement to reach out to your neighbours to see if they are all right and whether they need a chat to help to put things into perspective.

Also, please remember the support services that are available, in particular Farmstrong and the Rural Support Trust as well as 1737 – Need to Talk?

And now, I will take some of my own medicine, close this column, and continue to get well.