Biosecurity is everyone’s responsibility
New Zealand’s biosecurity system is a collaborative effort and every New Zealander has a role to play.
Some of the key players involved in biosecurity in New Zealand are:
- Biosecurity New Zealand (Ministry for Primary Industries - MPI) is the lead government agency for biosecurity, and the agency that administers the Biosecurity Act 1993.
- Industry organisations play a role in managing biosecurity threats that affect their members.
- Growers implement on farm/orchard biosecurity practices to minimise the risk of spreading unwanted pests, diseases and weeds.
- Regional councils play a major part in pest management within their regions.
- Iwi and community groups may work with MPI to manage or eradicate harmful organisms that are of concern to them.
- The public keeps an eye out for anything unusual and reporting suspect new organisms.
Play your part in biosecurity
There are many things that growers can do to help New Zealand’s biosecurity efforts and protect the horticulture sector. These include:

Know your risks
Understanding which exotic pests and diseases are a threat means you can quickly spot the unusual.
Get familiar with the priority pests for your crop by visiting your product group page.

Reporting the unusual
If you see a suspected exotic pest or disease, or anything unusual, call the MPI exotic pest and disease hotline on 0800 80 99 66 to report it. Detecting new incursions early increases the chance of eradication.

Create a Biosecurity Plan for your operation
There are many steps that growers can take to improve biosecurity in their day-to-day operations.
PDF, 3.5 MB.

Responsible travel
Ensure that you wash dirty clothing, footwear or equipment when travelling between orchards, farms and when returning from overseas.