Grower resources
Below is a list of grower resources, including codes of best practice and guidance tools.
Grower resources

A design guide for Kiwifruit orchards with Transpower Transmission Lines
This guidance can be used by any grower wanting to build crop structures around Transpower lines.
Let’s grow together has been developed by Transpower New Zealand with the New Zealand Kiwifruit Growers Incorporated (NZKGI) and HortNZ.
PDF, 3.1 MB.

Greenhouse Nutrient Solution Discharge Code of Practice
This code of practice for greenhouse nutrient solution discharge has been developed by Tomatoes New Zealand, Vegetables New Zealand, and HortNZ.
This code of practice is designed to assist you in determining if your greenhouse nutrient solution discharge meets Good Practice.
PDF, 510 KB.

N-Quick Test Guideline and Tool
This guide provides guidance to growers on how to measure the soil nitrogen supply with Nitrate Quick Test strips and make an informed fertiliser decision for the crop.
PDF, 2.8 MB.

Code of Practice for Vehicle Washdown
This code of practice for vehicle washdown has been developed by Agrilink for the Vegetable Research & Innovation Board. It is designed to assist you in determining which vehicle cleaning measures are best suited for your operation.
PDF, 3 MB.

Nutrient Management for Vegetable Crops in New Zealand
This book is intended to be a resource of best practice advice to manage the nutrition of vegetable crops in New Zealand.
PDF, 2.5 MB.

Vegetable Washwater Discharge Code of Practice - Regional Requirements
An appendix to HortNZ's Vegetable Washwater Discharge Code of Practice - Regional requirements for Permitted Activity Rules and Storage.
PDF, 971 KB.

Guidance to Assist the Development of Seasonal Worker Accommodation
This document is intended as a general guide to assist the design and construction of seasonal workers accommodation in the context of horticultural activities.
PDF, 3.3 MB.

Vegetable Washwater Discharge Code of Practice
This Code of Practice contains a checklist, decision tree, and reference values is a self-audit to assist you in determining if your discharge of vegetable washwater meets Good Practice. Regional Requirements have been developed for Auckland and Southland (please see separate document).
PDF, 1.4 MB.

Soil and Drainage Management Guide
This Soil and Drainage Management Guide was developed as part of the Franklin Sustainability Project. It covers how the management of drainage water on a property will influence how much soil movement occurs during rain. These guidelines have been split into two parts: Paddock Drainage and Erosion and Sediment Control.
PDF, 828 KB.

Code of Practice for Nutrient Management
This Code of Practice is designed for growers to understand and implement good and best management practices for nutrient management, particularly nitrogen, and to assist where resource consent is required from a Regional Council.
PDF, 738 KB.

Erosion and Sediment Control Guidelines for Vegetable Production
The guideline provides information on a range of possible control measures and options to assist in achieving sustainable land management.
PDF, 1.5 MB.

A Growers’ Guide to The Management of Greenhouse Nutrient Discharges
‘A Growers’ Guide to Managing Greenhouse Nutrient Discharges’ can assist growers with the practical, sustainable and legal management of discharging greenhouse nutrient solution.
The Guide is based on ‘A Code of Practice for the Management of Greenhouse Nutrient Discharges’.
PDF, 539 KB.

Code of Practice for The Management of Greenhouse Nutrient Discharges 2nd Edition
This Code is designed for the management of nutrient solution associated with the soilless production of vegetable and flower crops in modern greenhouses. It does not address other types of horticulture, including protected crops grown in soil.
PDF, 1 MB.