The Resource Management Act (RMA) governs how our country manages its environment. Recent governments have worked on reforming the RMA, including with a suite of replacement legislation.
The following documents include the relevant submissions, legislation drafts, and reports that makeup a timeline of HortNZ's work advocating on this topic since February 2020.
Relevant documents

Summary of HortNZ's submission on RM (Consenting and Other System Changes) Amendment Bill
February 2025
HortNZ submitted on the Resource Management (Consenting and Other System Changes) Amendment Bill.
PDF, 117 KB.

HortNZ's submission on RM (Consenting and Other System Changes) Amendment Bill
February 2025
HortNZ supported the bill with amendments to enable the supply of fresh fruits and vegetables, protect highly productive land and reform the consenting process.
PDF, 555 KB.

Update on RM (Freshwater and Other Matters) Amendment Bill
October 2024
HortNZ’s submission on the RM (Freshwater and Other Matters) Amendment Bill resulted in a change to ensure growers can still get consent to grow in degraded catchments with conditions to make freshwater improvements.
PDF, 74 KB.

HortNZ's submission on RM (Freshwater and Other Matters) Amendment Bill
June 2024
HortNZ supported amendments to speed up changes to national direction. We also sought freshwater policy changes through the RMA related to discharges, Te Mana o te Wai and freshwater farm plans.
PDF, 620 KB.

HortNZ's submission on Fast-track Approvals Bill
April 2024
HortNZ sought amendments to enable projects that support horticulture and ensure efficiency, transparency and fairness in the fast-track process.
PDF, 425 KB.

HortNZ's submission on targeted changes to the RMA
April 2024
HortNZ responded to Hon Chis Bishop's letter requesting short-term amendments to the RMA. We called for recognition of the national importance of fresh fruits and vegetables.
PDF, 596 KB.

Hon Chris Bishop's speech on RMA reform
March 2024
Hon Chris Bishop, Minister Responsible for RMA Reform, laid out the upcoming timeline for resource management changes in 2024-25.

HortNZ's submission on fast track consents and Te Mana o te Wai
February 2024
HortNZ called for a defined purpose for the Fast Track Consents Bill to prioritise projects that promote the health of the nation, climate change and economic development.
PDF, 357 KB.

NBA and SPA repealed
December 2023
The Natural and Built Environment Act and Spatial Planning Act were repealed in December 2023.

Spatial Planning Act
August 2023
The Spatial Planning Act (SPA) was signed into law.

Natural and Built Environment Act
August 2023
The Natural and Built Environment Act (NBA) was signed into law.

Summary of HortNZ's submission on the NBA and SPA
February 2023
HortNZ submitted on the Natural and Built Environment Bill and the Spatial Planning Bill.
PDF, 142 KB.

Exposure Draft of the NBA
June 2021
The Select Committee released the exposure draft of the Natural and Built Environment Bill with some of the key purpose and principles of the new legislation.

HortNZ's submission on the NBA and SPA
February 2023
HortNZ submitted on the Natural and Built Environment Bill and the Spatial Planning Bill.
PDF, 633 KB.

Review panel report
July 2020
The independent Resource Management Review Panel undertook a comprehensive review of the RMA and related legislation.

HortNZ's submission on the NBA exposure draft
August 2021
HortNZ submitted on the exposure draft of the Natural and Built Environment Bill.
PDF, 834 KB.

RMA Reform Summary
The Ministry for the Environment website summarises the RMA reform.

HortNZ's submission on RMA issues and options paper
February 2020
HortNZ submitted on the Resource Management Review Panel's review of the RMA and related legislation.
PDF, 676 KB.