NZGrower & Orchardist is New Zealand's premier grower resource for the horticulture sector.

The not-for-profit magazine, trusted by New Zealand growers, is proudly published by Horticulture New Zealand. 

The printed magazine reaches every levy-paying commercial grower in New Zealand as well as distributors, suppliers, students and politicians. Each month, you'll find us at farmgate letterboxes, packhouse smoko tables and research labs. Our network of content creators work, in every horticultural hotspot in the country, capturing stories of inspirational Kiwi growers, thought leaders and technical experts. 

Share your story or advertise with us

If you are a grower or part of the horticulture sector with a story to share in NZGrower & Orchardist we'd love to hear from you. Please contact the editor.

If you would like to advertise in NZGrower & Orchardist contact:


Current and past issues

Read current and past copies of the magazines that have been published since August 2020 below:


Magazine covers