HortNZ director elections

Horticulture New Zealand Director Elections 2024

Calling for nominations for two Directors.

The Horticulture New Zealand Constitution provides for a term of three years for elected directors.

The following Directors retire by rotation this year.

  • Bernadine Guilleux is retiring by rotation and is offering herself for re-election.
  • Brydon Nisbet is retiring by rotation and is offering himself for re-election.

There are two vacancies to fill.

In accordance with Clause 12 (e) of the Horticulture New Zealand Constitution nominations are now being sought from individual grower members, affiliated Product Groups and affiliated Grower Associations.

Candidates must be nominated by at least two grower members or affiliated organisations.

The election is based on electing the best person for the job with no allocated seats for product, sector or regional representatives.

Candidate criteria

Nominated candidates must be:

  • a person who is an active grower member of HortNZ; or
  • a director, shareholder, partner or trustee of an active grower member who is appointed by that member as the principal representative of the entity in their dealings with HortNZ; or
  • an employee of an active grower member who is appointed by that member as the principal representative of the entity in their dealings with HortNZ.

If more than two (2) candidates are nominated, an election will be held where individual grower members will vote for their preferred candidate. A profile for each candidate will be included with the voting papers distributed to growers.

Nominations close 5pm, Friday 5 July 2024.

Click here to view the position description

Click here for the nomination form

Click here to submit the nomination form