Horticulture New Zealand Annual General Meeting

18 July 2024

The 19th Annual General Meeting of Horticulture Zealand will be held at Mercury Baypark, Mt Maunganui on Friday 30 August 2024 at 8am.

A link to a livestream of the AGM will be added here closer to the date.


  1. Business
  2. Welcome and apologies
  3. Voting and proxies
  4. Obituaries
  5. Approve Minutes of Meeting of the 18th Annual General Meeting (see minutes below)
  6. President’s and Chief Executive’s Report on HortNZ’s activities (see the Annual Report for the year ended 31 March 2024 below)
  7. Approve audited financial statements for the year ended 31 March 2024 (see the Annual Report for the year ended 31 March 2024 below)
  8. Review of Constitution (see the proposed updated HortNZ constitution below)
  9. Levy rate
  10. Director remuneration
  11. Endorse the 2024/25 budget (see summarised 2024/25 budget below)
  12. Approve auditors for 2024/25
  13. Notices of Motion (see below)
  14. General business


>> Click here to read the current HortNZ constitution

The Incorporated Societies Act 2022 comes into effect by 31 March 2026. The Act requires us to review the HortNZ Constitution to ensure its compliant prior to registration under the new Act. We have taken this opportunity to update and modernise our Constitution.
Click here to view the new version of the HortNZ Constitution and click here to read the explanation of the proposed changes. The changes have been split into required by the Act and further recommended by the Board of HortNZ.